Bustling City of the Future

Bustling City of the Future Walking Tour
While this tour stands on its own and can be booked for a fantastic experience without doing any of our other tours, it works even better as a follow up to our Understanding Cape Town walking tour. While the Understanding Cape Town tour focuses on the background story and earlier history of Cape Town, this tour focuses on the recent history of the 20th and 21st centuries and provides insight into the contemporary culture and future development of the city. Together, the two half-day tours make for a perfect full day tour, of course with a lunch stop in between. Or two separate tours on different days.

Starting off opposite the Companies Garden, we pick up the Cape Town and South African story at the end of the Anglo-Boer War (South African War) in 1902. We delve into the establishment of the Union of South Africa in 1910 and the dreaded Land Act which introduced the process of racially discriminating laws, that resulted in the atrocious Apartheid Era by 1948.

We explore District Six as the very real and obvious wound of apartheid on the edge of the inner-city. We discuss the struggle against apartheid and the imprisonment of the Rivonia Trialists (including Nelson Mandela) on Robben Island, as well as the resistance of the 1970s and 80s. We analyze how apartheid came to end and contemplate Mandela’s first speech as a free man on the Grand Parade. As well as the role of the Archbishop of Cape Town, Desmond Tutu in bringing change to South Africa.  We interrogate the complicated 1990s – the negotiations for democracy and the miracle elections.

We walk along the Cape Town Station Square and parts of the Foreshore to understand the changing city, seeing huge growth and expansion, with the need for affordable housing, while also catering for a bourgeoning tourism industry. We contemplate the future development of Cape Town as an AI/IT tech hub that is attracting many new migrants, changing the demographics of the city and creating a bustling African city of the future.

There is ample opportunity to stop for a drink or eats along the way, and enjoying the vibrance of contemporary Cape Town.

Only available as a private tour at any time, subject to availability, at a minimum of R2800 for up to 4 guests, or R700 per person if you are more than 4 guests.

Any food, drinks, or shopping along the way for guests’ own account.

To book your tour, send an email to gerald@localplaces.co.za or a WhatsApp to + 27 82 894 5216.

Please do not phone as we are mostly busy hosting guests.
Send a message and we will contact you as soon as is possible.

We will respond to your booking request and provide an online payment link for you to pay by bank card to secure the booking.

Guests participate in all IkapaPlaces tours at their own risk. Neither IkapaPlaces, nor its guides, accept any responsibility whatsoever for any injury, accident or death that may occur while participating in an IkapaPlaces tour, whether in a public or a private space.

A tour booking is only secured upon payment.

Provisional bookings will automatically be cancelled if not paid within 48 hours from making a booking.

Bookings cannot be cancelled once paid for any reason whatsoever and no refunds will be offered for cancelled bookings.

Bookings can be postponed to another date if postponed more than 30 days in advance of the booked date. However, bookings cannot be postponed for any reason whatsoever within 30 days of the tour date, as we would lose the opportunity to take another booking for that slot.

We will stipulate the starting point for your tour in your booking confirmation letter. This tour starts in front of the Atlas Spices Shop in Wale Street in the Bo-Kaap.

For private tour bookings, it is possible to arrange pick up and drop off from your hotel or accommodation, possibly for an additional fee, depending on location.

If you urgently want to know about already scheduled open tours in a current week, which you could join, please WhatsApp us directly on +27 82 894 5216. We also run a WhatsApp Group where we post news on upcoming quick encounters, tours and events. send a message to us requesting to join this group.

WhatsApp us on +27 82 894 5216 or email us on gerald@localplaces.co.za to check availability.